Chest Injury Claim Solicitors of Reading

An injury to the chest is one of the most severe forms of personal injury we deal with in Reading. Our chests contain our heart, lungs, and key arteries – our bodies can’t survive without them. But even if your chest injury hasn’t resulted in organ damage, broken ribs can be extremely painful. Having to recover from any type of chest injury takes a long time, and you are sure to experience some form of financial loss. This why you need an expert team of accident claim solicitors** behind you – we can get the highest possible compensation pay-out for your chest injuries.

You can call us today to discuss your claim. We’ll evaluate your case and give you honest, realistic prospects of your claim. As well as what damages you might expect to receive. If you’re claiming for yourself, or on the behalf of a close family member, call our Reading personal injury claim experts on 01182 177 704^.

How are Chest Injuries Caused?

A chest injury can be sustained from many different types of accidents. For those that happen that aren’t your fault, someone must have acted negligently in Reading to allow such a serious injury to happen.

Injuries to the Chest from Accidents at Work

Chest injuries can be caused whilst working if your employer has failed in their duty of care to you. Some of the common types of workplace accident in Reading leading to a chest injury are:

Any of these are serious breaches of health and safety, and as such, can make your employer liable for your personal injury.

Chest Injury Causes – Public Place Accidents in Reading

When you’re visiting a business in Reading, such as a supermarket, attending a school, or dining in a restaurant, the owner of the premises has a duty of care to your health. Quite often, patrons are injured by slipping, tripping, or falling. This can be from wet floors, objects obstructing pathways, or even loose cabling. Generally, these types of injury are minor, but they can become severe. Similarly, poorly maintained shelving and displays can cause objects to fall and crush members of the public, which can in turn result in major injuries, especially if they are to the chest area.

Chest Injury Causes – Road Traffic Accidents

Most will associate road traffic accidents in Reading with whiplash from car crashes. However, serious accidents can cause seatbelts to inflict a significant chest injury on a person. And those not wearing seatbelts, such as motorcyclists and bicycle users, can be thrown from their vehicle, leaving them prone to a multitude of injuries that are severe. Even as a pedestrian, being knocked down by a vehicle going the speed limit can cause high impact injuries to the chest area, as we instinctively move to protect our head.

Public Transport accident claims solicitors Reading - Vehicle Collision, Road Traffic Accident, Whiplash, Injury Compensation

It doesn’t really matter how the chest injury happened, if someone was at fault for the accident, you will likely have a case for compensation. For a free claim assessment, where we help you establish liability and provide estimates for your compensation, call our team of personal injury experts on 01182 177 704^.

Different Types of Chest Injury

Common forms of chest injury are broken ribs and organ damage. Neither of these are minor injuries, which can prove fatal in certain conditions. Even rib breakages can puncture the heart and lungs. Everything within your chest needs to be operating around the clock for you to survive, which is why it is so critical to avoid injury to the chest.

Industrial diseases are considered as “personal injuries” when claiming compensation. Common diseases that affect the chest – or more accurately, the lungs – are COPD, Mesothelioma, occupational asthma. These forms of chest injury can be traced back to employment, especially with Asbestos claims, and therefore someone is liable for the injury.

chest injuries compensation solicitors personal injury claims Reading

It’s clear that chest injuries are very serious, and whatever the extent of your injuries, if someone is to blame, you’re likely to deserve compensation for your loss. We’ll consider all the long-term conditions you may experience after examining your medical records. This way, we can paint an accurate and fair estimate of your due compensation. Call our team of personal injury experts on 01182 177 704^ today to start your claim.

Chest Injury Claims in Reading

If you feel you have a claim for your chest injury, we make the process easy for you. We’ll ensure you know exactly who’s liable for your injury, what compensation you can expect to receive, and how long your claim will take – all with no upfront costs.

As with most personal injury claims, there is a 3-year limit on making a chest injury claim, which is imposed by the courts. It may seem like a long time, but some claimants could be out of commission with their injuries for some time as they recover. The main thing is that you don’t delay in making your claim to avoid missing out on your deserved compensation awards.

Chest Injury Compensation – No Win, No Fee

Not only do we offer no up-front costs for our claim assessments, but we also provide our personal injury services on a no win, no fee* basis. This means that you won’t have to worry about losing money if your claim is unsuccessful. This is because we take out an After the Event insurance policy on your claim. It covers our costs in the event your claim fails, and you don’t lose out on anything.

Start Your Claim for Chest Injury Compensation with Our Reading Solicitors** Today

If you feel you have a legitimate claim for your chest injuries, don’t delay in contacting our personal injury team. We’re available on 01182 177 704^ to answer all your questions. You can also use the contact form to send some basic details of your case to your team.

Contact us today to claim the compensation you’re entitled to.

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